Getting Sorted for Storm Season 

Being Brisbane born and raised, I absolutely love South East Queensland storms and the spectacular show they can bring. That said, having worked on a lot of storm clean up over my years in the tree industry, I have a very healthy respect for the power and destruction they are also capable of. 

With storm season on the horizon, it is a good time to consider the preparations, especially for your trees. Energex does a great job of providing resources and recommendations relating to other aspects of storm preparation.  

When it comes to the specifics of your trees, our team of qualified Arborists can help. 

The primary things that we would look for, in the lead-up to this time of year, would be any signs of failing tree health, structural issues, deadwood that needs to be removed and whether we need to look at removing any excess weight from the tree that may cause issues in strong winds.  

We certainly can’t always predict nature and what it will bring to the table. We lived in The Gap, during the storms (or cyclone!) in 2008, and navigated the absolutely mind-blowing aftermath of destruction in such a contained area. We also spent a reasonable amount of time at Mount Tambourine doing storm cleanup at the beginning of this year. These are definitely two of the more memorable I have seen, but there have been many, many more in between!!  

When you are dealing with that level of intensity, the storm will always win. But for our general Brisbane summer storms, proper preparation can go a long way to minimising the risk of damage to your family and property. 

If you are Brisbane-based, I am always happy to come out to you, have a look and provide any recommendations and a free quote, much like most reputable Arborists.  

If you have any questions at all, feel free to give our Ecological Tree Services office a call on 07 3520 8661.  

Stay safe out there, and enjoy nature’s show! 

Alex the Arborist